I heard the BBC news today and it spoke of a government initiative to fast-track teachers' qualifications for suitably qualified professionals. Fair enough. I thought. And then in the next breath the reporter mentioned mathematicians who had previously been employed by the banks.
And I wondered whether these were really the sort of "experts" that we wished to let loose on our children - people who can devise intricate ways to profit from financial disaster?
I laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes. It was the only thing I could do. And then, I wondered whether i should have wept.
Memories of Helen G
10 months ago
profits from financial disaster what are you talking about? Banks provide financial services and banking services, if you don't like them don't use them
and most "financial disasters" are due to government intervention such as central bank interest rates and money supply. In a free market banks wouldn't create financial disasters for themselves because they would go bankrupt
your ignorance is unbelievable. And this "blog" is really ridiculous, it reeks of some man who cut his balls off and gave it to women because he thinks they are all "goddesses" who have "holy vaginas". Truly psychotic and neurotic you are, worshiping goddess cults, wow! Talk about WHIPPED
and I read your ridiculous comment on this other blog here: http://feministanonymistexplainsitall.blogspot.com/2008/11/jealousy.html
to which I replied with a comment to show how idiotic you are:
"If previous generation of women had listened to their elders and not been rebels there would be no education for women, no contraception, no suffrage, no property rights, no divorce, no action against child abuse, total acceptance of domestic violence... the list goes on and on, but in short, no rights for women."
here is a perfect example of the sheer unbelievable amount of self-delusion, anti-intellectual, anti-male, anti-truth element of feminism, where lies and falsehoods thrive and abound
women had education before "feminism" came about. And if women want education they can pay for it themselves, just like how men paid for it in the old days. Neither would any intelligent person relegate the importance of education to government bureaucrats
contraception? You mean like killing the unborn and forcing or refusing fatherhood for men? If he wants the child, it's her choice. If he doesn't want the child, it's her choice, and he still has to pay child support. Nice "equality"
suffrage? you mean how like since suffrage the size and spending of government has soared to unprecedented rates due to women preferring big government?
property rights? Even Rome gave women property rights. Women before 1st wave feminism had property rights in the US and in the West
divorce? So they can take custody of the children and hijack them, and remove the children from their fathers' lives? Sure divorce may not be bad, but not treating children like chattel slavery
child abuse??? LOL. Most child killings are done by single mothers, LOL. Most child abuse is done by mothers.
domestic violence? LOL. Almost all domestic violence is RECIPROCAL, and it's 50/50! And in some cases initiated violence was done by the woman. Oh I forgot, feminist mantra is "women are perfect"
Talking about balls, if you do not even have enough to sign your name, I see no point in answering.
"Talking about balls, if you do not even have enough to sign your name, I see no point in answering."
this is SO irrelevant. Honestly, is that all you have? Ok fine, my name is Frank, now what?
OK "Frank"
Let me put it this way. If I receive an abusive letter from a "Frank" and there is no return address, then that is the act of a coward. It is quite simple to set up a blog and use that to promulgate ideas and thereby enable others to drop in and insult you. You do not seem to have the balls to do that - even under a pseudonym - but prefer to spread your shit without fear of it being returned. Not that I would, anyway.
However, I did say name - and you have supplied one so I will address your comments.
1 "banks provide financial services and banking services, if you don't like them don't use them"
How exactly can one do that and live in, for example, the UK where all salaries and social security benefits for all except the homeless and most marginalised are paid through the banks? How could I rent a flat without a banker's reference?
2. "
and most "financial disasters" are due to government intervention such as central bank interest rates and money supply. In a free market banks wouldn't create financial disasters for themselves because they would go bankrupt"
It was not the government that set up stalls in supermarkets, stations and motorway service stations offering credit to all who passed their way. How would a totally unregulated market have behaved in a less predatory manner?
And, in case you havent noticed - it was in the least regulated economy in the world that the banks first went bankrupt. I do not think they have in China.
3. My beliefs are my own business and my testicles are intact and in frequent, non-solitary, use
4. "women had education before "feminism" came about."
Where? Which universities offered degrees to women before, say, Mary Wollstonecroft. Or, to make it easier for you, 1900?
5. "contraception? You mean like killing the unborn and forcing or refusing fatherhood for men?"
No. I didn't mention abortion.
6. suffrage? you mean how like since suffrage the size and spending of government has soared to unprecedented rates due to women preferring big government?"
No. I meant what I said, suffrage. Besides which, what evidence do you have that women prefer "big government"
7. "Even Rome gave women property rights. Women before 1st wave feminism had property rights in the US and in the West"
Some rights, perhaps, but in no way equal to men's - unless perhaps they were unmarried or widowed. Even in my lifetime, a husband had to countersign his wife's application for a bank account.
8. "divorce? So they can take custody of the children and hijack them, and remove the children from their fathers' lives? Sure divorce may not be bad, but not treating children like chattel slavery"
"Chattel slavery" surely, applies more to forcing women to nurture within their bodies an unwanted embryo, carry it to term and then give birth to it in order to provide a man with the child he wants.
9. "child abuse??? LOL. Most child killings are done by single mothers, LOL. Most child abuse is done by mothers."
Credible evidence please - and not just a link to a Male rights blog
10. "domestic violence? LOL. Almost all domestic violence is RECIPROCAL, and it's 50/50! And in some cases initiated violence was done by the woman. Oh I forgot, feminist mantra is "women are perfect"
See above
That is all I have to say to you - and it is more than you deserve.
"How exactly can one do that and live in, for example, the UK where all salaries and social security benefits for all except the homeless and most marginalised are paid through the banks? How could I rent a flat without a banker's reference?"
you can get paid with money instead of cheques in many cases. I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to get paid with money, perhaps it should be legalized to be able to do so.
"It was not the government that set up stalls in supermarkets, stations and motorway service stations offering credit to all who passed their way. How would a totally unregulated market have behaved in a less predatory manner?
And, in case you havent noticed - it was in the least regulated economy in the world that the banks first went bankrupt. I do not think they have in China."
how is it "predatory"? Someone who wants a loan obviously is also responsible for assessing if they're able to pay it back, both parties are making a risk and have to assess whether the loan can be completed
the US and the UK aren't the "least" regulated countries at all. This is the PROFOUND misunderstanding that everyone has. The US economy is controlled by the Federal Reserve which is a privately owned banking cartel. They control interest rates instead of having the market decide rates, and can print endless amounts of money to support failed banks. That's not "unregulated" at all. The US also has regulation laws amounting up to 74000 pages in the Federal files. The LEAST regulated country is New Zealand, and you don't see the crisis occurring there. The US also has government-enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, that's hardly "unregulated"
"Where? Which universities offered degrees to women before, say, Mary Wollstonecroft. Or, to make it easier for you, 1900?"
there's a reason why universities didn't offer degrees for women. It's because women generally are less critical and not as innovative or intellectually daring as men. Sad to say but it's true. Women are more collective and want to please authority figures such as teachers, instead of critically engage with the material and question academic dogma
many women in universities today are there for the social benefits. They like social bonding, communication, gratifying their own egos. Sadly many men are becoming like them instead of pursuing Truth
"No. I didn't mention abortion."
LOL. So you're against abortion? Then what, condoms? Even ancient Egypt had condoms. Feminists want abortion so they can kill the unborn and refuse parental rights for men. They want to refuse or force fatherhood on men, and want only the man to pay for child support
"No. I meant what I said, suffrage. Besides which, what evidence do you have that women prefer "big government"
LOL. Yes and by suffrage you meant exactly, women voting. Why did you say 'no' when you knew exactly what I was talking about? LOL, you don't know that women prefer big government? Here read this: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,358179,00.html
'Some rights, perhaps, but in no way equal to men's - unless perhaps they were unmarried or widowed. Even in my lifetime, a husband had to countersign his wife's application for a bank account."
the fact that they had equal property rights if they were unmarried or widowed speaks volumes about Feminists lies about property rights. Feminists want money to be given to women FROM MEN, that's what they mean by "property rights."
""Chattel slavery" surely, applies more to forcing women to nurture within their bodies an unwanted embryo, carry it to term and then give birth to it in order to provide a man with the child he wants."
LOL. But this is EXACTLY what feminists want to impose on men! If a couple gets pregnant, the feminist wants the woman to have ALL THE POWER in deciding whether they will have the baby or not. They want to either REFUSE or FORCE fatherhood on the man! And if they FORCE fatherhood, that means the man has to pay for child support too even if he didnt' want the baby! PURE DOUBLE STANDARD!
and of course only the man has to pay child support
"Credible evidence please - and not just a link to a Male rights blog"
WTF??? Now this is sheer willful ignorance. If you BOTHERED to visit those links, you would see that the source is the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. But of course we can't let those pesky FACTS get in the way right?
"See above"
OY VEY! You didn't even BOTHER TO READ Strauss' website for goodness sakes! Oh now I know why:
statistical evidence on a men's blog = biased
statistical evidence on a woman's blog = correct
"That is all I have to say to you - and it is more than you deserve."
LOL and how! With the kind of whitewashing and IGNORING OF EVIDENCE that I clearly put out there, in which you make up some nonsense calling it "some male rights blog" when it in fact shows institutional and government data
Do you notice your own contradictions?
eg: Day 1 - "women had education before "feminism" came about."
Day 2: "universities didn't offer degrees for women".
Therefore no education in any meaningful sense of the term?
Day 1: due to government intervention such as central bank interest rates and money supply.
Day 2. The US economy is controlled by the Federal Reserve which is a privately owned banking cartel.
Which is it - government or a privately owned banking cartel? It cannot be both - and if it is a a banking cartel then the banks are solely responsible for the debacle.
I will not bother with any more. I have spent far too long on this.
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