Before I left the troll completely behind, I wanted to check on one of his allegations - which was that women, particularly single mothers, are responsible for the majority of child killings. I had a feeling that this was not true but was in any case not going to click onto the male rights activist blog that he cited as evidence for his claim. Then I got to thinking. Was my gut feeling wrong - because it is, after all, women who are in the most contact with children and are thus perhaps the ones more likely to lose the plot - they certainly would have far more opportunity to commit the crimes.
So I decided to check and went to the US Department of Justice where I found the statistics which show that, despite women having, in general, the responsibility of caring for the young and therefore more opportunity and, feasibly, more motive, 60% of all infant homicides are committed by men. Furthermore, when it comes to the elderly, where again the responsibility for care falls mainly on women, the proportion of male offenders is even higher - 85%.
This did not take long to find. Any troll could do so. But, of course, he will not - why spoil a fervent hatred with facts. I do not think, for any sane individual, the USDOJ is a hotbed of feminist ideologues - so I cannot see how these figures can be argued with. I would imagine that similar figures will be replicated for most western countries.
So there is no support here for his contention. It is born of his hatred towards and fear of women, pure and simple.
Memories of Helen G
10 months ago
from Frank,
hmm that's odd. A couple months ago I replied to this post and I had to leave it to finish my studies. And now I'm back and I see it's all deleted
from Frank,
so that's it huh? Delete comments that challenge your beliefs and then ignore that it happened?
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